DINTEK training sessions - September

Training Program

Always wanted to learn how to weld a fiber optic yourself, repair a break quickly or know how best to create an Ethernet cabling network? Prepare yourself as a Certified Installer in 2 or 3 days? Be able to provide a 25-year warranty on your customer’s cabling network? Register quickly now as a partner for the DINTEK training courses offered by DINTEK in collaboration with Xpert Data at the end of September.

These courses provide general knowledge and skills needed to build a structured cabling network and/or fiber optic cabling.

Dates and topics DCI training:
Tuesday, Sept. 26 – Copper cabling day 1
Wednesday, Sept. 27 – Copper cabling day 2
Thursday, Sept. 28 – Fiber optics 3-day DINTEK Certified Installer (DCI) training
This training prepares an installer to implement networks that comply with ANSI/TIA and ISO 11801 cabling standards, making them eligible for DINTEK’s 25-year System Warranty.

The course provides general knowledge and skills needed to provide a customer with a structured cabling network and fiber optic cabling. It offers the participant more clarity on fiber optic technology. How fiber optics works, how the transmission of light as data in fiber optics works, and how to install and test fiber optics. The course also includes hands-on workshops for mechanical and fusion splicing, covers loss OTDR testing and verification of fiber optic connections.

It is also possible to take only the Copper (Ethernet) or Fiber (Glass) part of this training.

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